Monday, October 4, 2010

The Work Continues= October 4, 2010

Hi Everyone!
I really feel that my pictures explain this week better than I can write it so I'll be sending those. =)

This last week along with many others here, Sister Vathauer got a really bad cold/flu bug. It my faith with prayers and Gramee's training I stayed healthy. The weather is deciding what it wants to be but that's ok. We got back in contact with the roommates and hope all will continue to progress. We spent the time we did have going hard to contact as many people as possible. With Campus contacting you just have to do it. It so nerve racking approaching people but somewhere I find the courage and just start talking to the students here. It is so rewarding to feel the Spirit inspire you with things I could never come up with on my own. One morning analogy after analogy kept coming to mind and I would share them. One I liked was how the 3 kingdoms of glory is like vanilla ice-cream. So will be happy and content just with vanilla but if we want more then we can have it and knowing that I can have the Sunday really gives me the incentive to do what I need to do for it.

One other cool experience. We were able to go and do the potato harvest at the Ames farm. What an amazing this to see and do the work of the harvest. I was the one up rooting them and Sister Vathauer went collecting them. That's what missionary work is. Some plant, some water, others up root and then there are those who collect and enjoy the dinner provided with the investment you've made. It's all part of the harvest. =)

Conference was amazing. I'd love to hear what stood out to you. I hope you are all having a great start to a new week.

Love sister peck


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    who is updating this blog?

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